Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wake up call

Morning sunshine ! (Eventho its cloudy outside :) )

Extremely tired & not enough rest, sleep and bla bla bla.
So many things to be done,. Do i still have enough 24hrs to make it ? Oh pls. Gimme an extra 8hrs for a day pls ! (Sosa, gimme sum extra time wont u !)

Last nite was awesome. Listening to the "music" which was created by little Sosa. Not to mention durng his 'riding time' with the wheel. omg. dats so freaking annoying. hoho but its okay then. As long as he enjoy playing with those toys alone.

Oh ya. Forget to mentioned that He was my wake up call. he even wait for me to wake up and stop playing around. Get into the sleeping pouch and sleep. that's so annoying boy ! Hoho but as always, watching his sleeping is the and precious time ever.

Yesterday always remain still. Today will be a different day perhaps.
But the entire bleeding part unable to be heal somehow.
Just walk.


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