Friday, April 15, 2011


Thanks Allah for the wonderful life :)

Done with my managing change presentation. The most awkward and scariest subject for dis semester. However, managed to answer all of the questions by mdm suria n_n

Ohh yaaaa. Little sosa was extremely playful and active today. Idk why. He even bite my finger okayy. And its bleeding (rasa nk tumbok jak) while I was presenting, left him inside my bag since he refused to stay inside the boding pouch. #sigh# naughty sosa. Huuuu.

2 more task to go and im free :) ohhhhh. Not to forget, the mangrove project n bel final exam. Duhhh. cant wait to sleep til pengssann and mkn tdo mkn tdo all the way. Iv been working so hard for the past 3 weeks ago. Not enough sleep, rest and improper meal time really drives me crazy. Not to forget all of the mentally tortured as well. It's okayy then. Life must go on :)

Okay great. Sosa is sleeping soundly like a pig. Hihihi 'good night' love. Mumy lovessss u muah2


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