Friday, April 01, 2011

A Letter to April

Hey, its you again. Nice to meet you, April.
I was not that excited to meet u at first, but I am hoping that you will become one of my best friend. March did not make me happy enough. After all the pain that Ive gone through.
Please April. Do not let me down.

Dear April,
I was crying last night. March tortured me real hard. Until I cant even breathe like usual. So many things happened to me when Im with March. April, Im begging you. Please dont do this to me. Again. Like March did before.

I am still hoping you will guide me through. Help me and be with me whenever I need you the most. March was not that friendly. leaving me dealing with all of my sadness & pain alone.
April, promise me, please. Dont let me down.

April dearest,
I cried a lot in March. I even cant sleep well every night. Because of the nasty things that March did. Im in misery. But Im counting on you, April. You will always lift me up when I fall.

Please tell me that you wont ever let me down, like March did. Please ?
Im begging u, once again.

Til then, April.


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