Monday, September 26, 2011

to walk or not to walk

Its been a busy week for me! new semester, so many things to be done. New subjects. Oh ya, new lecturer as well. So excited to cocomplete my bachelor programs and misery and so-called book worm life will end! (oh. Day dreaming) pheww. So many thngs bother me lately and i just dunno hw to react. I feel so bad when i know those obstacles that hit me real bad will definately turn my life into 360 degrees. Its a total change and i might have some problem in adapting it.

How i wish i could still hold on to myself and make myself comfortable with the changes. I know i can do ir. But i need to keep on motivating myself that i will survive. The option to walk or just stay and wait for miracles to exist are choices that will totally change my life. Forever. But i still believe, there will always be shine after the rain. Insya Allah.


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