Thursday, September 01, 2011

La Tahzan

#shashasyedyusuf is currently reading "La Tahzan"

i once read this book before. but due to my unorganized timetable and student life made me forget the existence of dis book ! Well i guess this is the best book to motivate ur soul and life. well a good motivator for me as well. Life was hard and cruel to me lately. I need something to keep me awake and to keep on walking and never stop believing. Have faith in Allah.

La Tahzan is an Arabic terms in which referring to this term, "Jangan Bersedih Lagi".
Subhanallah. I was amazed with the writing and how well the author had actually made me realized of some things that I never thought before.
Thank you Allah for the wonderful gift. I will keep on reading this book and will make sure that it will be the most powerful medicine to cure this misery.

oh u should also consider yourself reading this book and trust me, no regret.

And I would also like to Thank Allah for the wonderful life. Even it wasnt that wonderful like others, but I will always accept Qada' and Qadar.

Ya Allah, jika ini yg tersurat di dalam kitab hidupku.. Bantulah aku untuk menerima semua ketentuanMu dengan redha dan ikhlas. Jauhkan aku dari kesedihan yg berpanjangan. Karuniakan aku kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat.
Sekiranya ada yang ingin kau suratkan padaku, maka bimbinglah aku ke jlnMu Ya Allah,
aku bermohon kpdmu...

La Tahzan ya Sha.
Insya Allah.


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