Saturday, April 02, 2011

The old and brand new kerispatih

I m currently listening to both of kerispatih new and old song entitled,

tertatih (new song) & demi cinta (old song).

Different vocalist but I still love to hear most of their songs. Due to its meaningful lyrics & rythm. I just love their songs !

Tertatih, the brand new song (i guess so) is one of my favourite 'in repeat mode' song atm. same goes to the other song, Demi Cinta. Ohhhh. I love the lyrics !
Even if the previous kerispatih vocalist was slightly better from the new one, I still go for kerispatih. Plus there are some hot n lovely songs by them that could melt ur heart. Grab those albums & listen to every of their meaningful songs today !
Happy listening :)


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