Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A blessing in disguise

Hello Tuesday, Soon u'll be gone. Start counting days when I realized few more weeks to go and I'm done, Insya Allah.

With all of the difficulties, I know somehow I will still rise and shine. In the name of God, I am thankful for things that Ive been through and making me even wiser :)

Woke up and read those text messaging from you, I finally realized, there's no one ever loved me like the way u used to. and no one could replace you, bapak. U made my day even brighter today. I love you for who u are, regardless of what people might say. try to bring us down, and were even closer together.

People made mistakes, so do i. We both learn knew how it feels like to be in dat kind of situation. But forever, we will make it through.

I love u bapak.
Thank u for every single thing

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