Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Terima Kaseh

Terima Kaseh yang tak terhingga kpd Kumpulan2 Haters.
Thanks for making me a fighter. #dontbehating

You may talk bad about me behind my back,
but it's not a big deal anyway.
Still considering it as a motivational thoughts that will certainly push me higher and make me realize that somehow, still ada juak org concern abt me.

Oh ya, Thanks for the email, haters. u made my day.
Thanks for the wonderful thoughts and beautiful words.

Hari ini hari yg bakal berlalu.
Esok2 kita tidak tahu.

Pls dont feel offended, stalker. And thank u for reading :) :D

Some people may get mad at you due to some reasons. If you're wrong, seek for forgiveness. If you did nothing, just smile and take it as a lesson to be learn. Life isn't that beautiful as u thought. So just let it be. #Dontbehating

Good night peeps :D

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