Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Say no to Moron asses.

Lame asses and moron genes shouldn't be allowed to breed. In fact those pathetic 'people' (should i considered them as 'people' ? or Alien ?) should kill and buried themselves alive. Enough said.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Praise to Allah SWT

Alhamdulillah. Im officially graduated :)

Ty Ya Allah for the wonderful gift. Blessed and glad I am able to make both of my parents proud. Plus, me and abg konvo sama agik laterrr. I m soooo damn excited.

Oh btw, congrats darling. We both excel this time around. Love u boyfie :)

And also to my fellow friends, classmates, hey guys meet me at Dewan Jubli later in May !
Congratulations and Thank You so much dear lecturers. We love you.

Love, XOXO


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A promise

with everything that happened,

i cant lose the way I feel about you.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Hold on

Things happen for a reason. Apparently, you might not know what are the reasons.

Luckily, i have everything to be thankful for through all this years. And I will forever remain thankful for things that might bring me down. Cause I know, I will stand firm and fight for myself.
I used to be that somebody and I dont want it to be the reason why I cant embrace happiness.

Trust me, I aint lying. Im going to shine and make my days brighter with all my might.
Insha Allah.

I love you

You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you

Is you being you, just you
Yeah, the reason I love you
Is all that we've been through

And that's why I love you

I like the way you misbehave
When we get wasted
But that's not why I love you

And how you keep your cool
When I am complicated

Avril Lavigne _ I Love You

A dedication

Happy monthsary dearest Amirul Zaki.

62 days and still counting.

Its a long and winding road. But I will fight to win your love and let US be together. Forever.
P/s: i love u Amirul Zaki


Darling Luis Suarez,

i Love u :D

P.s: I love u more Zaki :D

February 20th 2012

I've come this far.
I wont turn back.

There is no such thing as i cant do this anymore.

I am a fighter and I will fight for it.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Life. seems. wonderful

i fucking love my life now.
A loving mum.
A perfect guy and friends.

A wonderful life :-)

Alhamdulillah. Thank U Ya Allah

Friday, February 10, 2012

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Hello, February.

Madly in love, u and me :)


Kak Long @ Teman lesbo :p

The sisters

Thank U Hitz Kuch !

Thank YOU HITZ KUCHING ! u guys rock !

Hitz Kuch First birthday invasion at BCCK.
Super cool doh !

A pair of tix to watch Zee Avi Homecoming Tour life in Kuching yaw !

Awesome. What more can i say :D


1 month plus plus little Cloud

Sosa and Rapunzel :)

My little Cloud

Gorgeous Leona :)

Lovely Leona and Cloud, Rapunzel and Sosa.
An apple of my eyes. Forever

A belated birthday celebration

The siblings and a wonderful mother :D

Two cakes for this year
Two celebrations at the same place.
My birthday for this year was truly AWESOME i must say .

Thank u Allah, for the wonderful life.
and blessing.

Thank u Amirul Zaki :D

Youve made my day darling. Thanks ;')

He even sang me a birthday song.

so sweet :)

sayang, thank u :) :) :)
i l y

Happy Belated Birthday, to me !

Happy Birthday from Roxy :D

A birthday cake from mak and A SUPER DUPER LOVELY gift from her as well

Thank u so much lovely housemate. Chup chup xoxo

Hello stalker.
Guess what, turning into 24 years old wasnt that bad anyway.
Oh i m so grateful, Alhamdulillah.
In fact, 24 years old has made me even more wiser :)
apparently, still there's a lot of more things to discover in this life. Keep on walking

I personally appreciate for those who had actually made my day. Thank u, so much :) xo xo

Psst ! I had two birthday cakes this year ! yey :D

Monday, February 06, 2012

Hello February !

Its been a while since December kan i havent update anything ! Ohmyy !
Gonna update few things later. since im jobless and im no longer a student, Insya Allah.

Oh btw, Hello Stalker. Have a nice day !

It must have been love

you make my dreams come true and i love u so