Baby I’m the best so you can’t do better
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
To whom it may concern
Thanks :)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
A birthday shoutout!
Happy Birthday mak!
Happy 50th bday!
I may not be able to be the best daughter in the world, but i will always love you.
Throughout all the bitterness in life dat uve faced, i will always pray for ur safety and happiness.
Forgive me, my mistakes.
Happy 50th bday!
I may not be able to be the best daughter in the world, but i will always love you.
Throughout all the bitterness in life dat uve faced, i will always pray for ur safety and happiness.
Forgive me, my mistakes.
Someone who really loves you sees what a mess u can be, how moody u can get, how hard u are to handle.. But still wants u in their life.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Duniya oh Duniya
Sik paham eh dgn manusia nak ada Hasad Dengki sik tentu pasl tok koh.
Apa masalah nya pun I dun understand at all. Tiba2 jak nak nganok urg sukati.
Haih. Kau sapaa ? Kau ada merik mkn aku kah ? Ada byr my bills etc ? eee. Kau tek kacakk ?
Heran eh. Sik paham dgn manusia nk suka carik pasal nk suka nk kondem urg.
Kali dah sikda keja or boring gilak, ya ngeruit nk berkelayie dgn urg ajak.
Uncivilized shitty.
Kali juak sbb nya ada byk gilak masa nk gago hal urg and rasa bagus gilak smpe nk kondem urg. Mun tek kenal sik juak apa. Tok tek sik kenal. Ntah dari sine kah. Tiba2 koh.
Ka mok jadi attention seeker ? Hobi kali nk ? otedah. Sorilah. Im so not going to waste my time layan sampah sarap kdk ya koh. Ya rupa banyak keja ku nk polah. Sekadar nk me reply email kau nk kdk urg sik bertamadun ya, bgus ku nyiap assignment aku.
Btw, Mulut ya bait2 sikit. Jangan sampe segal mulut, klak badan kunin knak minyak org dayak.
Sik pelu nk rasa urg puteh gilak koh nk tesumpah2 kdk apa jak. Mun dah khau pande gilak speaking, bgs kau jadi Dj Hitzfm gak. Sak kau sik kepak2 nak kelaka. And sigek juak, im aware juak koh Msian tok Democratic pun country. Ada hak nak ber kaka.
Tapi sik tauk lah nk kau tok bansa apa kah nk. Mcm sikda adab n ter sangat lah rude.
Mun stakat kau nk komen urg, sik perlu nk jatoh aek muka urg. Dah lah aku sik kenal kau. Dah lah aku sik ngaco idup kau. haih. Kau sapaaa ? Alien dari Planet ne ?
Eee Pelek dgn existence manusia kdk tok. Manusia ka ? Bagus gik bintang dari kau,
Oklah. Kepak nk type. Bgus polah keja.
Morale of d story, sik pelu rasa dirik bagus gilak. Sbb ada gik urg lebih bagus dari kita.
Tq :)
Thank God
Thank God,
I m a Female.
Pondan is Pondan.
Perhaps, maybe U GAY nak ?
Bisexual ?
Sorry man.
Oh should i considered u as a MAN ?
Or She-Male ?
Dont get offended easily.
Thank U.
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Word !
Nice one from @bam_reel
Some people come in your life as blessings,
others come in you life as lessons.
Learnt my lesson very well :)
Music to my heart
Don't You Remember by Adele. (4 Stars)
When will I see you again
You left with no goodbye
Not a single a word was said
No final kiss to seal any sins
I had no idea in the state we were in
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness and a wandering eye and a heaviness in my head
But don't you remember
Don't you remember
The reason you left me before
Baby, please remember me once more
When was the last time
You thought of me
Oh have you completely erased me from your memory
I often think about where I went wrong
The more I do the less I know
Gave you the space so you could breathe,
I kept my distance so you would be free,
And hope that you find the missing piece,
To bring you back to me,
Why don't you remember?
Don't your remember?
The reason you left me before
Baby, please remember me once more
When will I see you again
You left with no goodbye
Not a single a word was said
No final kiss to seal any sins
I had no idea in the state we were in
I know I have a fickle heart
And a bitterness and a wandering eye and a heaviness in my head
But don't you remember
Don't you remember
The reason you left me before
Baby, please remember me once more
When was the last time
You thought of me
Oh have you completely erased me from your memory
I often think about where I went wrong
The more I do the less I know
Gave you the space so you could breathe,
I kept my distance so you would be free,
And hope that you find the missing piece,
To bring you back to me,
Why don't you remember?
Don't your remember?
The reason you left me before
Baby, please remember me once more
When will I see you again
:D Drama Queen
Afternoon peeps.
Dlm byk2 benda rah dunia tok,
Ada banyak benda yg sik perlu di polah.
ada benda yg perlu dipadah, tp benda ya d ignore.
Tapi people tend to make it complicated.
Including me,
so, dats y people created quote tok,
Silence is Golden.
So, enuf said.
:D :D :D
Word !
" Tapi kadang2 hati ini jahat, Sofi. Abang biarkan hati abg utk rasa cemburu. Mungkin disebabkan Abang terlalu mencintai Sofi. "
Nice and lovely script. Taken from TV3 hott drama entitled 'Soffiya'
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Good-Bye !
Hello. Im Rapunzel. Dun get me wrong. I may look like my bro, Glee :D
Good Night Darling
I'll be away :D
Bye !
Terima Kaseh
Terima Kaseh yang tak terhingga kpd Kumpulan2 Haters.
Thanks for making me a fighter. #dontbehating
You may talk bad about me behind my back,
but it's not a big deal anyway.
Still considering it as a motivational thoughts that will certainly push me higher and make me realize that somehow, still ada juak org concern abt me.
Oh ya, Thanks for the email, haters. u made my day.
Thanks for the wonderful thoughts and beautiful words.
Hari ini hari yg bakal berlalu.
Esok2 kita tidak tahu.
Pls dont feel offended, stalker. And thank u for reading :) :D
Some people may get mad at you due to some reasons. If you're wrong, seek for forgiveness. If you did nothing, just smile and take it as a lesson to be learn. Life isn't that beautiful as u thought. So just let it be. #Dontbehating
Good night peeps :D
Current Addiction
Wish You Were Here
Avril Lavigne.
Whoaa. Nice song. two Thumbs up :)
Will be updating my blog later. Due to heavy workload.
Pye !
Thursday, November 03, 2011
I am a Rabbit :)
I was born in 1988. Obviously most of them may classified me as a DRAGON. (Grr)
DRAGON (Grrrrr)
RABBIT (Furrrr)
But sadly i'm a rabbit instead. (I was born on the 4th of January) A furry cute little creature. (so sweet)
Sharing some of the personality of RABBIT and DRAGON according to Chinese horoscope :)
Years of the Dragon
02/03/1916-01/22/1917 | 01/23/1928-02/09/1929 | 02/09/1940-01/26/1941 |
01/27/1952-02/13/1953 | 02/13/1964-02/01/1965 | 01/31/1976-02/17/1977 |
02/17/1988-02/05/1989 | 02/05/2000-01/23/2001 | 01/23/2012-02/09/2013 |
The dragon enjoys a very high reputation in Chinese culture. It is the token of authority, dignity, honor, success, luck, and capacity.
People under the sign of the dragon are lively, intellectual, energetic and excitable.
They often can be leaders and try to go for perfection. When they meet with difficulties, they are not discouraged. They are magnanimous, romantic and sensitive about their reputation. They usually have great ambition and an ingenuous personality. They hate hypocrisy, gossip and slander. They are not afraid of difficulties but hate to be used or controlled by others.
They are a little arrogant and impatient, while dragon women can be over- confident. Sometimes, 'dragons' are unable to control their moods very well due to being eccentric, tactless, fiery, intolerant and unrealistic. They may feel blank about the future. There is no lack of romance in their life over all, but they seldom give true love. Therefore, they do not usually show disappointment in love. They may criticize others for their inefficiency at work. They have a nature ardent to excess and couldn't withstand setbacks which make them flee away. If they overcome these defects, they can have a brighter future.
Fortune Fortelling in 2011 Overview:
The year of Rabbit may not run smoothly for people born in the year of dragon. Dragon people may meet with fluctuations in their careers and troubles in relations with other people. There is not much of repute this year but don't be over self-protective and narrow-minded.
Career: They may feel helpless at work. For example, a new project unknown to them would take them at a disadvantage. However, active planning and effective measures can still assure your success. Money: This year is not very good for making money. Illness and failed investments may cause financial losses. Think twice before taking actions and so avoid irrational and unnecessary expenditure.
Love: Single dragons may feel lonely this year. Don't be frustrated and accept that there is nothing to be gained from a formed relationship this year. Love can be regarded as a lottery and affinity usually happens like a sudden sparkle. Those who have partners may lack emotional warmth. Mutual understanding and care will help to avoid any cooling of affection.
Health: Pay attention to gastrointestinal disorders and diseases. Exercise caution against possible threats to your health when going out and about.
Years of the Rabbit
02/14/1915-02/02/1916 | 02/02/1927-01/22/1928 | 02/19/1939-02/08/1940 |
02/06/1951-01/26/1952 | 01/25/1963-02/12/1964 | 02/11/1975-01/30/1976 |
01/29/1987-02/16/1988 | 02/16/1999-02/04/2000 | 02/03/2011-01/22/2012 |
The rabbit has represented hope for a long time, by Chinese people. It is tender and lovely. The moon goddess Chang'e in Chinese legend had a rabbit as her pet, which stimulated the thought that only the rabbit was amiable enough to match her noble beauty. The Chinese character 'Tu' (rabbit) is part of 'Yi' (escape or leisure) indicating speed and distance. The Han people have a custom that a pregnant woman is not allowed to eat rabbit meat for fear that the child will be born with a harelip. The newborn is given paintings of children and rabbits representing that the child will have a peaceful and happy life.
People born under the sign of the rabbit are gentle, sensitive, compassionate, amiable, modest and merciful, and have strong memory. They like to communicate with others in a humorous manner. They cannot bear dull life, so they are good at creating romantic or interesting spice. They are soft-spoken and welcoming, being fond of peaceful love life. They hate arguing with capacity of converting an enemy into a friend. Rabbit people are homebody and hospitable, and like house fitting-up. They can work with speed and efficiency, do not insist and get angry easily.
They lack meditative abilities and often sink money into ideas that may cause failures in their career. They are amorous and not determined, soft in appearance and stubborn inside. They usually do not submit to dreary life, but create romance. They are not good at delving deeply and likely to escape the reality. They may lose good chances because of reserved personality.
Fortune Foretelling in 2011 Overview:
2011 is the benmingnian (year of birth) for rabbit people, a year to offend 'taisui'. To avoid undesirable changes and troubles in life, people born in the rabbit year should be calm and especially cautious. It is possible to gain support from some helpful people. It is promising in June, September and October. So, it is triable to leave the chances to get promotion in love, business and career at that time.
Career: Rabbit people should be positive, passionate and hard working to prevent from dispute with friends, colleagues and customers.
Money: They may suffer money losses, even start to use the deposit. They are likely to have strong desire to buy something, which was found to be useless finally. It is suggestive to earn more income and cut down expense this year, avoiding money lent, investment and gamble. Love: Single rabbits may have little chances to meet well-content people they are fancy for. Marriage life is routine, perhaps even colourless, but it is so. Don't think it a problem. It is just a reminder to maintain family harmony.
Health: They should be alert of unexpected injuries. Minor ailments deserve a cure as earlier as possible.
Rest in Peace,
KIKI dearest
Good days peeps :) :)
Sharing sometimes is not considered as loving :)
Love my Little Sosa and Rapunzel so much :) :)
Sosa (Left) and big momma (Right)
Cute Little Sosa ! Oh Mummy loves u darl :)
Rapunzel and my fluffy pink socks :p
Little Sosa with his Outstanding pose. Ngegeh -_-"
So cute !
Random picts taken by my LAME BB camera. *phew*

I love u more than everything :) Even more than human itself. Mwah !
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Hellooo Schaza Zedane
Helo Adik ! I hope adik bc post i okayy. Specially meant 4 u.
I hrp u survive and still dpt bernafas now. Since u dah buat kecoh2 dekat blog u. homaigad. u ter sangat berani eh. I salute 10 jari la dgn u. Outspoken abis. Tp sadly x bertempat. Seriously, u skrg sdg melonjak kan nama u til sma taraf dgn ARTIS now okk. Good job bitch !
Btw, to those yg blm update dgn kisah sensasi SCHAZA ZEDANE, sila lah ke blog BELIAU and baca lah dengan senang hati. Nah, link !
So, anyway, i nak ucapkan GOOD LUCK and SELAMAT MAJU JAYA utk u. Msh jauh perjalanan u cik adik. So, x payah nak over.
Psstt. Bak kata Kak Lehot, Muka kau ku tereka ku klak. Muka kau kacakkkk ? Haihhh.
Follow her on Twitter @@SchazaZedane
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