Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I always call him 'Bapak'.

He's the reason why I cried a lot during this special day.
I miss him.
I miss the old him.
I miss the time when we used to spend our time together.
I miss my Raya to be celebrated in a happiest moment in our family..

I miss it..
And I knw, it will never exsit.
No more...

Life, get used to it

we love,
we cry,
we smile,
we shout out for joy and happiness.

That's life.

We made mistakes, we seek for forgiveness.
People threw us away, we just can smile.

That's life.

We talks about our past, but indeed it will never ever able to return again.
We gone mad with our silly mistakes, but we wont be able to fix it again.

That's life.

it has ups and downs.
still, karma exist.

That's life.

in fact, we always believe that God created such things, FOR A REASON. that we might not knw.
Be grateful enough, to be the Chosen One :)

That's life.

I am a sinner.
I made mistakes.
I seek for forgiveness.
But Allah always knows the best.


Munajat Syawal

Salam Eid Fitr to all Moeslem :)

Its been a while since I didnt update this little diary of mine. So many things to be done. So many things to be prepared due to Eid Fitr.
Alhamdulillah, we meet again Eid Fitr :)

Just drop by to share something that almost broke my heart during this special day.. Nothing much but a little story of myself..

Woke up and I felt empty today. I admit that I wasnt that excited with this occasion but still, i feel grateful cos i am able to celebrate it with my 'family'.

I miss those moments when I used to love Eid Fitr as much as I do love my birthday,. nw it seems different. I took it the other way round as Im not looking forward for this special day. I know, this isnt right,. But I have reason for doing so.

When i look around, those smile and happiness in celebrating Hari Raya made me feel lost and I found myself crying in the middle of the crowd.. its kinda weird when i cant described my feelings that moment. unexplained.

i was forcing myself to smile, to enjoy and to make myself be in the crowd,. But still. I cant find happiness inside it. All i feel is misery. and i wanted to cry so much.

Ya Allah, aku bermohon kepadaMu. Seandainya hari ini adalah hari yang paling indah, maka kau karuniakan kpd ku kebahagiaan. Biarkan aku mengecapi kebahagiaan ini walau untuk sementara, kerana aku tidak ingin terus berlagu di dlm kesedihan ini.

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku bersyukur atas semua yg telah kau berikan. Aku pasrah dan redha dlm menempuhi semua dugaanMu. Namun kau berikanlah aku kekuatan. Kembalikan sinar kegembiraan dlm hidupku biarpun cuma seketika..

Ya Allah, kembalikan sinar kebahagiaan yg pernah kau berikan dahulu., kau berikan aku keluarga yg harmoni. dan jgn pernah kau pisahkan kami sedarah daging.
Sekiranya ini yg kau suratkan pdku, maka aku ikhlas utk menghadapinya. Tapi karuniakan aku berjuta kekuatan dan ketabahan hati. Kau lindungilah org yg telah melindungi aku sedari kecil hingga dewasa. Spt mana mereka pernah melindungi aku..

Syawal nan indah, jgn pernah biarkan hari2 ini berlalu pergi dgn titisan air mata kesedihan. Tapi biarkan semuanya diselimuti kebahagiaan.,.
kau berikan lah sinar kpd keluarga ku, kau berikan seribu dan sejuta kemaafan supaya kami bisa bersatu.
Aku tidak perlu cinta serta kasih syg dari org lain, melainkan cinta dari darah dagingku.
Karna cinta itu, cinta yg sempurna..

Salam Aidil Fitri, tulus ikhlas dari hati yg hina..


2 Syawal, 1432 H.


Monday, August 22, 2011


Maafkan by Sixth Sense

I came across to dis particular song just now. Quite nice though i knw im so outdated. My housemate used to listen to dis song few months agooo. And i didnt realized at all til now.

Im so damn exhausted with the preparation for tomorrow's function. oh my so many things to be done. oh ya its been a while since i didnt update in this lovely blog of mine :)

Stealing a few minutes to share my thoughts on dis song,. Better listen to dis, stalkers ! have fun :)

Maafkan - Sixth Sense

hadirnya dirimu
didalam hidupku
tlah merubah segalanya
dan tlah ku lewati saat gelap hidupku
namun kau masih tak meyakini diriku
yang cuba menghapuskan
mimpi mimpi buruk yang lalu

ingin ku berlari
dan menggapai hasratku
apakah kau kan berlalu pergi?

terkapai kapai aku
ingin ku membuktikan kejujuranku kepadamu
dan kini ku sedar diriku
masih liat untuk kau miliki

maafkan ku
kerna mengingkari janji yang terpatri dahulu padamu
atas kekurangan yang ada pada diriku ini
kerna mengingkari janji yang terpatri dahulu padamu
atas kekurangan yang ada pada diriku ini
Click on review for dis song :) *